Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday, June 23rd

Read more Canterbury Tales, Miller's Tale & Wife of Bath's tale.

Enjoyed the movie version of The Pharaoh's Daughter. Ballet is fabulous.

This is another incredibly easy, but delicious recipe.

Fridge Cheesecake

1 Packet Tennis biscuits, crumbed
100g Butter, melted in Pyrex
Add crumbed biscuits to butter, press against bottom and sides of dish. Set aside.

150ml Lemon juice, also lemon zest if you can find unwaxed lemons.
385g Condensed milk, stir in half the lemon juice and set aside.
250ml Whipping cream, add remaining lemon juice and beat until stiff.
250g Cream cheese, mix with condensed milk and cream.
Pour mixture into prepared crust. Refrigerate for an hour before serving.

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